Leaders Guide

Builder #3: Developing a Success System (Meeting Agenda)

This meeting agenda is organized into 3 parts. As the facilitator, you can choose to use 1, 2 or all 3 parts of this agenda based on the time you want to allocate and what you want to accomplish with the group.

  • Golden Nuggets (builds team cohesion)
  • Topical Conversations (reinforces specific concepts)
  • Application (drives changes in behavior)

Part 1 - Golden Nuggets

What were your golden nuggets from our last conversation? (Go around the room, each person picks the next to share.) What were your golden nuggets from listening to Builder #3? They could be concepts or takeaways, relevant stories or experiences — from your life or someone else’s. (As people share golden nuggets) Do any examples or experiences of that come to mind?

Part 2 - Topical Conversations

One of the topics discussed was _______. What were your thoughts about this? What examples of this principle in action come to mind?

Quality of Plans:
  • In the session, they talked about the fact that each of us is who we are and where we are in life based solely on the quality of the plans we have developed in our past.
  • What are your thoughts about that statement? Is it true? Do you think it is true for every aspect of our life (our career, our relationships, our finances, our health, etc.)?
  • Who is really good at doing something? (Get the people in the group to talk about the things that they feel they are the best at doing)
  • How did you get good at that? How did you develop the plan? Were you great from day one or did it take time?
  • If we are who and where we are based on the quality and caliber of the plans we’ve internalized to date — why can’t we just hand somebody a plan? Why don’t we do what we know we need to do? Third entity of the mind - self-esteem
Handing Someone a Plan:
  • When we just tell someone what to do and how to do it, they often don’t. Why?
  • How self-esteem is developed (Billy & Mary spilling milk)
  • Poor self-esteem short circuits the system
  • It’s not good, it’s not bad, it just is
  • Detaching from feedback, viewing it simply as information
Feedback as Fuel:
  • Self-esteem + feedback
  • What is the ideal way to view feedback? As information (not good, not bad, just is)
Self-Image, Self-Defense:
  • “I decide who I am and what I’ll be, no one else"
  • Why is it important for us to protect our self-image?
Tentative Success:
  • Self-concept is why some people can be successful in one area of life (i.e. business), but not in others (i.e. relationships)
  • Personal career journey
  • People you’ve hired/worked with/worked for
  • Famous/successful people

Part 3 - Application

  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to what we do as a team?
  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to your individual roles?